•   08:30-12:00 | 13:15-16:45  

    •   国际招生办: +86-0411-86115286

    •                          +86-0411-86115206

    •  招生邮箱:  scs@dlufl.edu.cn

    •  传       真: +86-0411-86115296

    •    办公电话: +86-0411-86115292

    •    辽宁省大连市旅顺南路西段6号



Dalian University of Foreign Languages

大连外国语大学坐落在美丽的海滨城市大连,是辽宁省省属高校。学校成立于1964年。设有服务国家特殊需求的“东北亚外交外事高端人才”博士培养项目1个,拥有外国语言文学、中国语言文学、马克思主义理论3个一级学科硕士点、 20个二级学科硕士点和6个专业学位硕士点。拥有44个本科专业,覆盖16个外语语种。各类在校生近1.5万人。学校是上合大学中方校长委员会主席单位、辽宁省孔子学院合作大学联盟理事长单位。设有教育部中俄大学生交流基地、教育部中外语言交流合作中心国际中文教育实践与研究基地等多个国际化平台。学校是中国政府奖学金生、国际中文教师奖学金生、辽宁省政府奖学金生接收单位。辽宁省来华留学教育示范高校、辽宁省来华留学教育先进单位,已通过教育部来华留学质量认证。每年招收来自俄罗斯、日本、韩国、泰国、亚美尼亚、意大利等近70个国家的1500余名国际学生。

Dalian University of Foreign Languages (DUFL), located in the beautiful coastal city of Dalian, is under the jurisdiction of the Liaoning provincial government. DUFL was officially founded in 1964, consists of one PhD Program in Northeast Asian Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, 3 first-level master's programs in Foreign Languages and Literature, Chinese Language and Literature and Marxist Theory, 20 second-level master's programs and 6 professional degree programs and 44 undergraduate majors covering 16 foreign languages. Nearly 15,000 students are currently enrolled in the university. DUFL is awarded as the Chinese president office of Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the chairman unit of Liaoning Confucius Institute Cooperative University Alliance. The university has multiple international platforms including the Chinese and Russian students exchange base and International Chinese Education practice and research base of Center for Language Education and Cooperation under the Ministry of Education. DUFL is designated to take in international students sponsored by the Chinese Government Scholarship, International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, and Liaoning Provincial Government Scholarship. The university has passed the quality certification of study in China by the Ministry of Education, with the title of Liaoning Provincial Model University and Advanced Unit for International Students Education. Every year, DUFL enrolls more than 1,500 international students from nearly 70 countries such as Russia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Armenia and Italy.


School of Chinese Studies

汉学院成立于1985年,是我校国际中文教育和来华留学教育的主要教学单位,也是国际中文教育实践与研究基地、辽宁省来华留学教育示范高校重要的建设依托部门。设有HSK考试和《国际中文教师证书》考试考点。国际学生教育包括长、短期汉语进修、本科学历教育、硕士和博士学历教育。每年招收来自70余个国家的 1500 余名国际学生。

School of Chinese Studies (SCS), founded in 1985, is the main teaching unit of International Chinese Language Education and International Students Education of DUFL. SCS is a supportive department to International Chinese Education practice and research base and Liaoning Provincial Model University for International Students Education. It serves as examination centers of HSK and CTCSOL tests. Every year nearly 1,500 international students from more than 70 countries study at SCS for short-term or for long-term courses, or for Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctor's degree programs.


Scholarship Category and Application Procedures




1.Scholarship Category

We will enroll master students and doctoral students who want to study Language and Literature (non-native language or third language such as English, French etc.)

2.Majors and Duration


Supporting Target





1.Applicants must be a citizen of a country other than the People's Republic of China and be in good physical and mental health.

2.To apply for a master's degree, a bachelor's degree is required. And the age is not more than 35 years old.

3.To apply for a doctor's degree, a master's degree is required. And the age is not more than 40 years old.

4.Applicants who have applied for or obtained other scholarships are no longer eligible to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS).


Funding Content


Subsidize students' tuition, accommodation and living expenses during their study in China. According to the regulations of the scholarship administration department, funds are offered according to different student types and criteria.


Application Deadline

2024 年 3 月 10 日  

March 10, 2024


Application Procedures

1.登录大连外国语大学网上报名系统(https://dlufl.17gz.org/),按照 要求上传相关申请材料。

2.登录国家留学基金委来华留学网上报名系统 http://www.campuschina.org 进行注册,填写申请表并按要求上传申请材料。大连外国语大学组织机构代码为【10172】,申请类别选择【B类】。


1.Login the website(https://dlufl.17gz.org/)to register. Upload relevant application materials as required.

2.Login the online application system of China Scholarship Council for studying in China(http://www.campuschina.org) to register.Fill out the application form and upload the application materials according to the requirement. The Agency Number of DUFL is [10172], and the application category is [Class B].

3.For the applicants who have obtained the scholarship qualification, our university will issue the formal Admission Letter and visa application materials to the applicants.



Application Documents

(All application materials should be provided in English or Chinese)














1.Notarized highest diploma.

2.Notarized academic transcript of the highest degree.

3.If the applicant is a student in school, please submit the notarized expected graduation certificate issued by the school where he/she is studying (the expected time of obtaining the degree should be earlier than August 2024), and submit the original graduation certificate and the degree certificate for review when registering. If he/she cannot obtain the degree on time, the admission qualification will be canceled.

4.If the applicant is currently employed, please submit the original certificate of incumbency issued by the employment unit.

5.Study and research plan: no less than 1000 words in Chinese or English. Please carefully write the research plan and state it from your academic background, research experiences and achievements related to the applied major, research plan and objectives.

6.Recommendation Letters signed by two professors or associate professors. The letter shall have the signature, seal, contact number and email of the referrers.

7.Physical Examination Record for Foreigner , blood test report,X-Ray report, electrocardiogram are necessary. The form is uniformly printed by Chinese healthy quarantine departments and must be written in English. Please take the originals with you when you come to China. Incomplete records or records without the signature of the attending physician, photo attached, and the official stamp of the hospital are considered as invalid. The examination results are valid for only 6 months.

8.One copy of valid passport. The applicant must submit a clear scanned copy of the first page of his/her ordinary passport with a validity date later than September 2025. If the current passport does not meet the requirements, please issue a new passport in time.

9.Notarized Certificate of No Criminal Record: The applicant must submit a certificate of no criminal record within the validity period issued by the local public security organ, which is usually within 6 months before the date of submitting the application.

10.Electronic proof photos, 3.5cm × 4.5cm, white background.

11.Certificate of HSK within 2 years.

12.Other materials required by the university.

(The above materials should be submitted online, and the original documents should be brought to the school for verification.)


Contact Us








Address: School of Chinese Studies, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, 6 Lushun Nanlu Xiduan, Dalian, China


Contact person: Gao Tian ; Xue Huiwen

Email: scs@dlufl.edu.cn

Tel: 86-411-86115206/86115286

Fax: 86-411-86115296